Coaching and Training

Utilizing the Kinshift Model from Daniel Booz

Whether I’m working with an individual or large team, my goal is the same: I’m here to help you shine: to create freely, to problem-solve more effortlessly, and ultimately to access all the riches of being alive. To do this we…

  • Attentively and honestly assess the current state, and particularly the energies that are fueling it

  • Recognize where you have become purposeless or stuck in negative patterns

  • Ease into growth mindsets, actions aligned to purpose, and win-for-all habits that enable boundless growth

    The Kinshift Model was designed to break through, get honest, and find the joy and enrichment that’s been alluding you.




“As long as our mind/body state is locked in survival mode and into the habits of stress-prone thinking, feeling and reacting that drive it, we will necessarily be cut off from our thriving mode as well as all of the positive social capacities that sustain well-being and peak performance.”

— “Boundless Leadership” by Joe Loizzo and Elazar Aslan