Training Offerings

Primarily focused on organizational optimization and team development, these two trainings will help you, your leaders and your entire team find greater appreciation and understanding of the unique breadth of skills and mindsets of each contributor, clearly assess your current state, discover new heights to reach toward, and optimize your org for more effective collaboration, improved business impact and frankly more fun and camaraderie throughout the process.

Current Workshops

  • Enneagram for Teams

    The vital ingredient to the success of groups and teams is emotional intelligence (EQ). The Enneagram is regarded by many business leaders and trainers as the most effective tool available today for developing emotional intelligence. But it’s so much more! Enneagram provides insight into how nine unique types (based on motivational drivers) think, feel, access energy and view the world. I facilitate team and organizational assessments resulting in increased understanding of each teammate’s style, more effective and productive approach to conflict, and an overall empowerment for all.

  • Awe.Tonomous (Coming Soon)

    We’ve all experienced moments of awe - while on a mountaintop, at a concert, gazing at the stars, hearing an inspiring story, watching a spectacular sunset or visiting man made wonders. But most of us believe these moments are rare and generally unavailable to us. But what if that’s a myth? What if every day awe experiences were available to you at all times, with a change of mindset and some learned skills? Awe immediately lowers stress and reduces body inflammation, releases feel good hormones, connects us to others, and right-sizes our concerns. It’s my mission to help teach people how to find this for themselves.

“While we are biologically wired to connect with others, critical conditions must be met to drive peak performance at work. It turns out there is an I in team. In fact there are lots of I’s. Every team is made up of individuals who bring their own perspectives, skill sets, and experiences.” - Britt Andreatta