The Kinshift Model

Together We Observe, Shift and Shine

Created by Daniel Booz

We are here. Each one of us with the faculty to read these words has been given, however mysteriously and complex, a human life – a body that breathes air without trying, an ever-active mind that endeavors to solve (but often magnifies) problems, feelings that come and go like waves, a beating heart with the capacity to ache with both pain and delight, gifts of Self that have been evident since infancy, and talents learned and refined into all manner of expertise. I am a human animal, as are you.

Together we are KIN: each single threads woven together into this thing called humanity. But how often do we truly observe our inner energies and default settings - including limiting beliefs, biases and survival patterns - and consider how they impact our daily life and work? How much time do we spend attentive to the currents that race by quickly or slow dance within our minds, hearts and guts throughout each day? What are they telling us?

  • Observe

    Taking the time to OBSERVE ourselves agnostically, without resistance or judgment, opens us to an always-present capacity to honor all that is found there. And yet this is one of the hardest things for us humans to do.

    Through our survival wiring and scarcity mindset, we have created an immense catalog of survival patterns, limiting beliefs and negativity biases. These patterns may keep us breathing, but often pull us away from the best aspects of being alive - things like wonder, joy, connection, purpose and impact. When we’re fully attentive, we can see that in our work (and very lives) we become captive to these patterns and aren’t really thriving. And so we look - really look!

  • Shift

    So we’ve spent a lifetime unwittingly making choices informed by limiting beliefs that keep us safe but small, busy but uninspired, breathing but half dead. Through observation we see more clearly how to shift our mindset and habitual patterns.

    This act of observation will naturally point to opportunities to SHIFT. You are already glorious, so there is no need for a complete tear down or a gut remodel, and yet minor aesthetic changes will only be temporary. Instead a series of impactfully curated shifts can lead to dynamic enrichments to our lives – in our thinking, in the stories we’ve told ourselves for years or even decades, in how we react to powerful emotions, in how we interact personally and professionally, and even in things as simple as how we view the reflection of the sun on a calm lake.

  • Shine

    The sun shines, yeah? Is it just sitting there effortlessly shining, or is it the result of 4.6 billion years of constant and powerful energy fueled by nuclear fusion? Nothing shines from dormancy. And this is the best part, because when we SHINE we are able to feel the immense energy inherent to light – wonder, joy, connection, purpose and impact come to us with seeming ease.

    What we once saw as problems become learnings that we welcome. Each day in the life shifts - our work days become more purposeful, we collaborate and create rather than view others as barriers. We cease finding ourselves stuck in constant resistance, and our very essence becomes more radiant and impactful.