Custom Curated Coaching

  • New to Leadership: A Conscious Approach

    The best leaders are, in a word, conscious. That might seem obvious, but the fact remains that the vast majority of organizational leaders are prone to lead from and with fear or scarcity. But the paradigm is shifting!

    Whether you are new to people management, aspire to lead others, or are a seasoned leader endeavoring to bring a more conscious and inspired Self to your teams, coaching can help you bring increased attentiveness, inspiration, presence and connection to those you lead - opening the door to results you didn’t think were possible.

  • Corporate / Executive: Without flattery or BS

    Leading large organizations in one upward climb can often feel like an impossible task. Executives and Senior Leaders are not infallible, and those that think they are probably aren’t seeking out coaching. But the rest of us are likely fully aware of the who we are at the end of a feverish day: quite often exhausted, puzzled, frustrated, disillusioned.

    As said in Entrepreneur “the more senior a leader becomes, the more at risk they are of losing touch with reality.” Coaching is a must for serious leaders who recognize the value of increased self-efficacy to inspire others to greatness.

  • Work, Life, Art + Everything that lies Between

    Plato famously declared that art imitates life, only to have Oscar Wilde counter with “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life.” Perhaps Ai Weiwei said it best: “Life is Art. Art is Life. I never separate it.”

    How is the artist, creator, or aspiring virtuoso supported for growth? The world needs artists tapped into their source, interconnected to others. If this sounds like you, does your one precious life feel like a work of art? Whether you are an artist by trade or eager to find your voice and express your creativity in new ways, coaching can help you discover, trust and share your unique truth in ways yet undiscovered.

Work with me to Discover, Trust and Unleash your Best Self

No fee 30-Minute Consultation